This is just speculation on my own part from observations of the series. this will most likely be dis-proven once the episode has been released and there is an official statement on my observations
In episode 3 of the OVA series it's revealed that Julius Kingsley is infact a clone.
In R2 we find out that Suzaku brought Lelouch's to Charles where Charles then used his Geass to alter Lelouch's memoriesbrainwashed Lelouch. Lelouch's Geass (now out of controlled)the brainwashing however is also shown to be sealed and then unsealed thank inpart to C.C.somewhat unstable as when Julius being a clone with out of control Geass would explainis seen on the train cluching his eye-patch (as after R2 Starts C.C has developed the contact lenses to block the Geass).
Also all of Lelouch's friends has their memories altered. had he been missing for a long time this would take 2 Memory Alterations, one to make them forget Lelouch ever existedis a sign that the brainwashing hasn't fully worked and another to reinsert him (and Rolo) into their lives for when they were"Lelouch" is trying to draw out C.C and the Black Knightscome back.
As for how i suspect the Order, remember the Order has been working he reappears briefly later on trying to duplicate Geass as i don't think V.V made contracts with every one of them. there are children with an ability similar to Lelouch's which could indicateshowing also that the Order attempted to clone Lelouch's Geass by cloning him (possible fail-safe incase if they could not activate the sword, world wide Lelouchhis Geass Orderhas yet to strip individuality by becoming the same person).
By Akito of the Exiled Suzaku should also be an affiliate member of the Order due to his position with the emperor (and later his knowledge of the Sword of Akasha). Suzaku's disgust for Julius would be because he looks like Lelouch and forces Suzaku to remember him.
Finally their eye(s)
Notice how Julius'ssealed as it is not the same purple...however this might be a production/lighting thing however you will notice Julius's hair at the front is also longer while even instart of R2 Lelouch's doesn't change all that much. however likewise could be a production thing