That was not explained in the anime, but it was kind of explained in the OVA.
When people crave porfor power to change the reality, one day they are starting to have that power. It is granted by collective cousciousnessconsciousness (in OVA), or how we call it in the real world: Prima Materia or Chaos. It orginatedoriginated around that time when first abstract inteligenceintelligence evolved (so long LONG time ago, before written history).
I think that my answer is quite accurate, even if it is not based solely on the Code GeassCode Geass. Note, that Geass comes from Geis, which comes from Arianrhod, which is not in anime anymore, but in celticCeltic religion. Still, Chaos or Prima Materia was first described in writings (hieroglphhieroglyph "kh") by ancient egyptiansEgyptians long, long time ago.