Among the tracks of Hellsing's OST albums there is one that abruptly ends at about 1 minute mark and it is called "Unexpected incident". I couldn't find a full version (if it even exists) and I'm starting to suspect that this actually is the fullest version, and it's called like that as a joke. Comments to youtube videos suggest the same, but I don't trust them.

Is there any official confirmation that this is indeed the whole track, or is there a longer version somewhere?

One of the many youtube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL0fFXO8apM

1 Answer 1


Well, the track is #22 on the RUINS album (in Japanese, the track is titled 「予期せぬ出来事」 Yoki Senu Dekigoto). The associated album scans don't have track lengths printed on them, but the enterprising user who entered the track listing on VGMdb indicated that the track was 0:59 in length.

I figure that's probably the whole track. Some random Japanese reviewer also lists it as 0:59, for independent corroboration.

(There's an amusing annotation beneath the track list on the poster that basically says "Per the intent of the composer, this recording includes noise and unexpected sounds". I suppose, then, that an unexpected lack of sound is not too far beyond the pale.)

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