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Questions tagged [fullmetal-alchemist-2003]

Use in conjunction with fma-series for questions that specifically relate to the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist anime series.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does Adolf Hitler have a counterpart in Fullmetal Alchemist 2003's Amestris?

in the 2003 anime of Fullmetal Alchemist we see that our world have counterparts to characters in Amestris. in the Conqueror of Shamballa film we see Officer Hughes (Maes Hughes's Counterpart) ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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Why did FMA 2003 Wrath (King Bradley) keep his skull?

In FMA 2003, homunculi are paralysed if they come into close proximity of a part of their original bodies. Wrath (Fuhrer King Bradley in 2003) was defeated by Mustang after his son brought him his ...
otah007's user avatar
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What's the deal with moving statues?

In episode 1, how are Ed and Cornello able to make the statues move? How is that alchemy? Is it possible that the revived birds are under same process, i.e., they are just moving but not alive?
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