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Questions tagged [tokyo-ghoul]

Tokyo Ghoul (Japanese: 東京喰種-トーキョーグール-) is a manga series by Sui Ishida. It follows the story of Kaneki Ken, transformed into a half-ghoul, half-human hybrid and forced to adapt to their lifestyle in order to survive.

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Why does Roma look younger than she actually is?

In the Tokyo Ghoul manga, Roma is said to be in her early 50s but she looks like a teenager. How can she look so young even though she's already a bit older?
kenkaneki18's user avatar
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In what order should I read the lights novels of 'Tokyo Ghoul'?

I've recently started reading the manga of Tokyo Ghoul and there were some terms like Kakugan, Kagune etc. and some characters mentioned which are not told earlier by the manga. I then found that ...
Xavier Philipps's user avatar
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In which volume of Tokyo Ghoul does the anime's season 2 end?

I finished watching Tokyo Ghoul √A and saw the first episode of Tokyo Ghoul: re, but I was not able to understand how Kaneki suddenly became Haise. I want to read the manga volume between where season ...
Normal guy's user avatar
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Why did Kaneki eat Hide's face instead of any other body part?

At the end of season 2 of the anime Tokyo Ghoul, Kaneki ate part of Hide's face as mentioned in the manga but eating a body part like his hand would have left Hide in better condition, so why did he ...
Utkrs Rj's user avatar
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Can Ghouls be damaged by fire?

The Ghoul Resistant skin allows them to not get damaged by conventional weapons such as being pierced by knives and common low calibre firearms. (A shot from a tank would pierce them) I was wondering ...
Fernando Fuentes Martins's user avatar
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Tokyo Ghoul √A Episode 9 - Yoshimura's Monologue

Not an Anime fan but I've found this one because an artist used some quotes from Tokyo Ghoul. I want to find this monologue in Japanese. Can you help me? This is the monologue:
Ali1928's user avatar
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What happened to Hide after he died

I didn't read the tokyo ghoul manga, but I was wondering what happened to Hide after he died. Cause in Tokyo Ghoul re Hide comes back to life, and when I looked it up on google it said Hide let Kaneki ...
KillZ's user avatar
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Can I read the Tokyo Ghoul RE manga if I have watched the first 2 seasons of the anime?

I have seen the first season of Tokyo Ghoul and a few episodes of Root A and I want to know if this is enough to read the Tokyo Ghoul RE manga. I have heard that Root A doesn't fit into the story of ...
FairyBannger 0001's user avatar
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What's the piece of music played at the 5min mark of episode 5 of Tokyo Ghoul? [closed]

I'm asking about the classical piece played on the disc while Tsukiyama ponders over how to eat Kaneki. I tried using Shazam to search, but unfortunately, it couldn't work for me.
Red's user avatar
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How did Kaneki discover Touka was a ghoul?

I've previously watched the anime and have just now started the manga (I know I'm terribly late) My mind is blown away by how different the manga is from the anime. (I'm even questioning if I'm ...
loosebend's user avatar
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At which chapter does the Tokyo Ghoul anime deviate from the manga? [duplicate]

I watched Tokyo Ghoul and I know that from season 2 it deviated from the manga, so I decided to read it and see the other version of Tokyo Ghoul. But I don't want to start from the beginning as it's ...
slayrdud's user avatar
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Why did Itori want information about the ghoul restaurant?

In Tokyo Ghoul manga, Itori made a trade with Kaneki in which he must give her information about the Ghoul Restaurant in exchange for information about the person who is responsible for the incident ...
Hatchi Roku's user avatar
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Does Kanekis eye change over time?

I don't know if I'm just looking too much into it or does Kanekis eye get redder over time or even pitch black? In the manga, I've seen his eye all black, all black with red pupil, white with red ...
heroinfather's user avatar
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Tokyo Ghoul Re: Anime what part in the manga?

I just finished Tokyo Ghoul: Re manga, and I'd like to know what part of the anime is already covered?
chhro's user avatar
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What was the soundtrack with Juuzou looking at Big Madam during the auction raid in Tokyo Ghoul Re:? [closed]

So there's a soundtrack on episode 4 of Tokyo Ghoul Re: at around 10:07, during the auction raid, Juuzou looks at Big Madame and this OST plays. Could someone identify and show me a link to the music ...
Iball's user avatar
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Why are Ghouls worried all people from Tokyo become Ghouls?

In Tokyo Ghoul:re 2 , episode 11, Ghouls from the group of Kaneki like Nishiki were worried all people from Tokyo becomes Ghoul. Why is this so? Why if you are a Ghoul are you going to be worried ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Why did Kichimura know Kaneki was going to mutate into Dragon, and why did he say he provoked it?

In the anime series of Tokyo Ghoul:re 2 , episode 12, Kichimura says he provoked the appearence of Dragon. In some former episode, when Kaneki mutated into Dragon , he was expecting it, as if he knew ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Is Yamori's change of hair color caused by torture?

Yamori (Yakumo Oomori) has undergone torture before. Did the torture really cause Yamori to change his hair color?
Kropek Senesi's user avatar
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What is the song name played after Kaneki kills dragon (19:30 - 23:42) in 12th episode of Tokyo Ghoul :Re 2? [closed]

There is a song played just after Kaneki destroys dragon and it continues till the end. It starts from 19:30 and ends at 23:42. Can you please tell me its name?
Tokyo ghoul fan's user avatar
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Thrilling music played in Tokyo Ghoul :re season 2 episode 11 [closed]

What is name or link of background music played at 14:50 in Tokyo Ghoul : Re 2nd season episode 11? It is a kind of battle music with trumpets and drums. I'd really be thankful if I could get its link....
Toyko ghoul fan's user avatar
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How do hybrids (half-humans and half-ghouls) rate in strength compared to normal ghouls?

In the anime series, there are several types of hybrids: artificial half-ghouls like Kaneki, biological half-ghouls like Eto and half-humans like Arima. How are they supposed to rate in strength ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Why was it so easy for Kichimura to tear the one-eyed owl kakuja apart?

In Tokyo Ghoul:Re 2, episode 2, Kichimura tears the one-eyed owl kakuja apart easily, when she was supposed to be the strongest Ghoul until that point in the anime series. Why was it so easy for ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Did Kishou Arima know about the dragon Kagune?

Spoiler Alert!. Arima Kishou made a very "interesting prediction" that if Humans accepted Ghouls then at some point, all Humans would become Ghouls. And later on in Tokyo Ghoul RE season 2, episode ...
Rumpelstiltskin's user avatar
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What is the piano song in the very first beginning of Tokyo Ghoul:re season 2 episode 1? [closed]

What is the piano cover of the 1st episode of Tokyo ghoul:re season 2's introduction of in the first 8-second of it?
user43579's user avatar
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What happens after Kaneki carries Hide and meets Arima?

I have finished watching Tokyo Ghoul: Root A, but I am confused because when I saw the first episode of Tokyo Ghoul:re, Kaneki was in the CCG. What happens after Kaneki carries Hide and meets Arima?
user43448's user avatar
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Can Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul self cannibalize?

Would it be possible for Kaneki to eat himself to prevent starvation? Or to keep himself from dying?
Josh's user avatar
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What is the meaning behind the titles of Tokyo Ghoul OVAs JACK & PINTO?

For reference, the dictionary definition of the word "pinto" is Marked with spots of white and other colors; mottled; spotted. It can also be used to refer to a piebald horse which has irregular ...
Jorge Luque's user avatar
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Tokyo Ghoul re: Season 2 - What did Orca notice about Arima in his fight with him?

In the latest Tokyo Ghoul re: Season 2 episode 13. There is a fight scene between ccg investigators and Orca. In that scene what was Orca talking about Kishou Arima's eyes? He said that there is ...
dssknj's user avatar
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Do Ghouls gain the kakuho they eat when they cannibalize?

I recently watched episode 14 of Tokyo Ghoul: re and in Kaneki's fight with Arima, he used a Kagune that was really different from his usually Rinkaku. Do Ghouls gain the kakuhou they eat when they ...
user42938's user avatar
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Did Yoshimura cannibalize after becoming "a good guy"?

Yoshimura is supposed to be this wise good old man, who was evil in the past. But he has a kakuja and it's mentioned in the Tokyo Ghoul wikia he had to cannibalize to obtain it. If I recall correctly, ...
Pablo's user avatar
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What are the differences between a half Ghoul and a Ghoul other than having one human eye and a Ghoul eye?

What are the differences between a half Ghoul and a Ghoul other than having one human eye and a Ghoul eye? It would seem half Ghouls have all the habilities of regular Ghouls, super strenght, ...
Pablo's user avatar
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How did Seido Takizawa become a Ghoul?

At the end of the second season of the anime, Seido Takizawa was almost killed. And in the begining of the third season, he appears as a powerful half Ghoul. What happened to him? How did Seido ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Does a Ghoul need to cannibalize to reach SSS level?

Apparently all the Ghouls which are classified as SSS have a kakuja obtained by cannibalization. Does a ghoul need to cannibalize to reach SSS level? is this mentioned in the manga, some OVA or ...
Pablo's user avatar
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What happened with Iwao Kuroiwa and Yukinori Shinohara after the battle against Yoshimura?

After the battle with Yoshimura at the end of the 2nd season of the anime, Iwao Kuroiwa and Yukinori Shinohara were baddly injured. One of the characters said one of the two was in a critical state. ...
Pablo's user avatar
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What are these kind of beam weapons used by Ghoul Investigators?

What are these kind of beam weapons used by Ghoul Investigators like Kishou Arima, or Mougan Tanakamaru? Are they based on Ghouls like Quinques or are they something completely different?
Pablo's user avatar
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Which are the classes of Ghouls?

In season 2 of Tokyo Ghoul at least a couple of times is mentioned classes of Ghouls. In one chapter one person talks about "Ghouls from class C to SS" IIRC. Which are all the classes of Ghouls?
Pablo's user avatar
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Can Ghouls be killed with bullets?

In the last episode of the first season a lot of special forces with machine guns attacked the Aogiri Tree. My question is, given the regenerative abilities Ghouls have, can they be killed with ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Are there classes of Kagune or they are all differents?

I've just watched the first season of Tokyo Ghoul anime, and in one episode the subtitle translation made a note where it said some Ghoul had a Kagune related with speed or something like that, which ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Can a person who was converted into half Ghoul by replacing parts of his organs be reverted to human by replacing those organs with human ones?

In Tokyo Ghoul Kaneki was converted into a half Ghoul when he was transplated organs from a female Ghoul into his body. Can a person like him, who was converted into half Ghoul by replacing parts of ...
Pablo's user avatar
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What does Ghoul mean in japanese?

I know what a Ghoul is in the context of the Tokyo Ghoul series, but I was wondering what does Ghoul mean in japanese. Is it a made up word or it is the same "Ghoul" from Arabic? What do the kanji ...
Pablo's user avatar
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At the end of Tokyo Ghoul: Root A, is Yoshimura still alive?

In Tokyo Ghoul: Root A, Yoshimura ―the old leader of the Antiteiku― was defeated. After that, his daughter, after fighting with Arima, "ate" him. Normally, ghouls would eat someone to gain energy, but ...
Xenos's user avatar
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What happened to Kaneki in episode 12 of Tokyo Ghoul:re?

In episode 12 of Tokyo Ghoul:re, However, I didn't understand the dialogue "well sleep, Haise" before that, and the following event regarding Kaneki's memory. What actually happened?
Sajied Shah Yousuf's user avatar
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A song that plays in Tokyo Ghoul:re episode 10 on 1:30 [closed]

What is the song that plays in Tokyo Ghoul:re episode 10 on 1:30?
Xmoz Łukasz Faraon's user avatar
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Is the anime adaptation of Tokyo Ghoul:re faithful to the manga?

I've seen the first 2 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul:re and got confused when Kaneki meets Touka. I dropped the manga a while ago though, so I might be wrong thinking that they have not met this early. Is ...
Yennefer's user avatar
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Is the anime of "Tokyo Ghoul:re" (season 3) canon?

Can anyone confirm or deny if Tokyo Ghoul:re, the 3rd season of the anime is canon or not? It seems like a major step after the events of the first and second seasons so I'm pretty darn bewildered by ...
Callat's user avatar
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What song/theme is playing in episode 10 of season 2 in Tokyo Ghoul? [closed]

It's playing between 6:46 and 7:46. I've heard it multiple times in TG itself but couldn't find it on soundtrack, and many times elsewhere. I have a feeling it's somewhat popular
bunta's user avatar
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What song plays during the fight between Kaneki/Sasaki with Owl in Tokyo Ghoul:re episode 6? [closed]

In episode 6 of Tokyo Ghoul:re, there's a song played while Kaneki/Sasaki is fighting owl. What song is that?
Alpha's user avatar
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What song plays during the episode preview after ending in Tokyo Ghoul:re episode 6? [closed]

There's a music in Tokyo Ghoul:re episode 6 at the end, after the ending music (the next episode preview). What is that song?
Kudaran's user avatar
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OST from Tokyo Ghoul:re episode 2 minute 00:00 [closed]

What is the song title from Tokyo Ghoul:re episode 2 at 00:00?
CompareBudista's user avatar
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Does Kaneki pop his knuckles or break them?

Initially, I used to think that he popped his knuckles, but the noise is simply too loud. Also, considering the gruesome origin of his white-haired avatar, I am inclined to think he breaks them ...
Avyansh Katiyar's user avatar