In Shinsekai Yori (From the New World), children who show the potential to become either Akkis (fiends/ogres) or Gouma (karma demons) are killed off and removed from society.


>! <ul>
>! <li>Katayama Manabu - He cheats in the ball tournament and is disposed of near the end of episode 2.</li>
>! <li>Aonuma Shun - He becomes a karma demon and dies after episode 10.</li>
>! <li>Kutegawa Izumi - She becomes a karma demon and is told to commit suicide in Tomiko's dialogue in episode 12.</li>
>! </ul>


**But what about Amano Reiko?**

She "disappears" at the end of episode 1. But what did she do wrong?<br> It was apparent that she wasn't skilled with her juryoku (psychic power or Cantus). But is that reason enough to kill her off?

![I vaguely remember this...][1]
