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Fairy Tail is a manga written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima, about a teenage wizard Lucy Heartfilia, who teams up with the titular wizards' guild and Natsu Dragneel in search of the dragon Igneel.

1 vote

Who is the voice actor of Scissor Runner in Fairy Tail?

Although not officially confirmed, the rumour on MAL is that it's Takaya Kamikawa. He's mostly known from the voice of Anti-Spiral in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
Nameless Person's user avatar
7 votes

Are the Dragon names based on anything?

To add to the list, Igneel: most likely derived from Ignis, which means fire. Grandeeney: She's the skydragon, named Grandine in Japanese. This translates to hail from Italian, which might explain …
Ero Sɘnnin's user avatar
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