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28 votes

Why don't English translated light novels retain the "backwards" page ordering?

It makes absolutely no sense for a book consisting of just English text to have its pages ordered such that you read the page on the right followed by the page on the left. So of course people don't ...
senshin's user avatar
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6 votes

Why do light novels and manga have long titles?

The Anime Man explains this in his video. TL;DR: People get lazy to read the blurb of the novel (the short summary usually at the back of the book) to know what it's about, so a longer title will be ...
haisu's user avatar
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4 votes

Does the author or publisher decide a character design?

Mainly the illustrator does. Basically writers are not involved in design. But he or she can tell the hope to the editor. It is an example of making a light novel. An author write up the novel. ...
payaneco's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do light novels and manga have long titles?

Why is this style of title so common? How did this trend of super long titles come about? From what I was able to research, light novels and/or manga have long title: Because it helps the light ...
W. Are's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do light novels and manga have long titles?

(speculation, but I think of the common sense sort) When standing in a bookstore crowded with light novels, what is the main thing a prospective buyer wants to know? "What is it about?" They are ...
RichF's user avatar
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2 votes

Kawakami Minoru authors light novels reading order?

You should probably go in the order in which they were released, as Arcane also mentioned. But otherwise, an ideal order would be as follows: Owari no Chronicle Owari no Chronicle DC Kyoukai Senjou ...
devb's user avatar
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2 votes

Where can I buy High School DxD English-translated novels?

The novels do not have a official English translation.
Andrew S's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do light novels tend not to be animated directly?

I'm not an industry insider but it's not a deliberate matter of testing the market with manga before doing an anime. It's simply that an anime is a much larger investment for all parties involved ...
Harry's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do light novels tend not to be animated directly?

From what I could find, by searching on the net, is that most Light Novels are not written properly, both in the sentence-style, and in how characters and situations are constructed. Here are a ...
Terrorist's user avatar
1 vote

What exactly is a "Light Novel"?

Light novels started in Japan, as physical books. But in this Internet era, light novels from China & Korea can also be found online. Here's my impression of what these novels are mostly about... ...
Neel's user avatar
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