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14 votes

Why does Mayoi get embarrassed about this tongue twister?

Caution: the answer might be NSFW since it contains vulgar words. Here is the full dialogue by Araragi and Mayoi: 「では、生むみ生もめ生ままもと三回言ってください」 「お前が言えてないじゃん」 「生もめだなんて、いやらしいですっ!」 「言ったのはお前だからな」 「生ままもだなんて、...
Aki Tanaka's user avatar
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10 votes

In what year(s) does the Monogatari series take place?

I don't recall an exact year, but there's evidence that the series takes place in the modern day, between 2007 and 2018. The strongest piece of evidence comes from the novels. In Kabukimonogatari ...
Torisuda's user avatar
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9 votes

What is the production order of the Monogatari series?

Anime Bakemonogatari - 化物語 From the 3rd of July 2009 to the 25th of June 2010. Light novel: Monogatari Series: First Season volume 1 to 2. Nisemonogatari - 偽物語 From the 8th of January to the 18th of ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
8 votes

Is there any meaning to the rail lines in Bakemonogatari's "Tsubasa Cat" OP?

Legs 大正-(新今宮)       平野-八尾-志紀--▽--尺土-浮孔-坊城-飛鳥-吉野口-緞野/吉野         >(道王寺)<         道明寺     (?池)       布忍---高鷲---△--貴志-川西-天見-橋本-極樂橋      1     X      2      Y             3 ( )= Full name not shown on ...
Aki Tanaka's user avatar
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7 votes

In what year(s) does the Monogatari series take place?

The cultural references that appear in the Monogatari anime — for instance, to Neon Genesis Evangelion ("Karen Bee") and Fullmetal Alchemist ("Hitagi Crab," "Tsubasa Tiger") — indicate ...
Maroon's user avatar
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6 votes

What about Araragi's weight?

The words have a dual meaning. In the case of Senjougahara, when they talk about the problem of weight and feeling, it is interesting because in Japanese, omoi means "weight" and "feeling" at the ...
Felix Joel de Jesus's user avatar
6 votes

What does these non-numbered Monogatari novel's chapter title means?

Obvious spoilers for Monogatari: Chapter Nixed / Nekomonogatari Kuro In Nekomonogatari Kuro, the inner, Black Hanekawa, wants to get rid of all of her problems such as her "family." The ...
JustPlain's user avatar
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6 votes

How does Hitagi fall if she's weightless?

As @AkiTanaka mentioned and by checking Volume 1 of Bakemonogatari, we can see that she's not exactly weightless. She weighed 5 kilograms. To quote from the light novel: You’ve noticed, haven’t you?...
W. Are's user avatar
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6 votes

In Zoku Owarimonogatari, why mirrored Sodachi's respected mathematician is Gauss?

Good question! Euler and Gauss are widely recognized as being the 2 most influential mathematicians in history. The greatest contrast between these 2 is that Euler worked on anything and everything, ...
najayaz's user avatar
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5 votes

Who's the character at the end of the last episode of Owarimonogatari season 2?

This appears to be Higasa, who is on the basketball team and in the same year as Kanbaru. In the anime productions, she first appears at the beginning of Hanamonogatari. Hanamonogatari opens with a ...
Maroon's user avatar
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5 votes

What did Oshino Ougi signify?

Ougi is Araragi's youthful foolishness manifested as persistent self-doubt and lack of love for himself. This idea is transient throughout the occurrences of Ougi. She initially spawned after the ...
Liu Tianyi's user avatar
4 votes

How can Karen have so much power that she breaks pillars and causes so much destruction?

You have to keep in mind that the story is never ever told to us by an omnipotent narrator. Depending on the chapter (or episodes/arcs in the animated series), a different character tells us his story....
M. Paviza's user avatar
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4 votes

What is Yotsugi Ononoki reading in "Hitagi Rendezvous"?

Do we know what she is reading? You're correct, she is reading アガジソ (Agajiso) magazine. No doubt about that. Does it correspond to any work that exists in real life? Just like you, I googled アガジソ ...
Aki Tanaka's user avatar
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4 votes

What's Kyocera to do with an anime adaptation of Koyomi's life?

Adding some more context into this dialog between Oshino and Araragi will make the intent clear: "Why would our everyday lives get turned into an anime?!" "Because a drama CD can't ...
Denis Fuenzalida's user avatar
4 votes

Why are there so many books in Suruga Monkey?

That's her massive collection of BL (boys' love) books (which she is also into, besides considering herself a lesbian), at least that's what they represent. As many other things in Monogatari's ...
Taederias's user avatar
3 votes

Where can I buy the English translated of Monogatari light novels?

For North America, I believe Monogatari series novels are released by Vertical. For example, Kizumonogatari was released in December 2015. Amazon appears to also have Monogatari series novels. As ...
user1821961's user avatar
3 votes

Why has she not changed at the end of Suruga Monkey?

So that this question can have a real answer, I'll expand my comment. At the end of Suruga Monkey, Hitagi comes in and interrupts the fight between Koyomi and Suruga, announcing that if Suruga had ...
Torisuda's user avatar
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3 votes

How did Araragi become tolerant to the sun?

I'll answer you but I have to say that I will spoil the end of the light novel (and the third animation movie). In the whole story of Kizumonogatari Araragi is never outside when there is light. If ...
Azzu's user avatar
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3 votes

What did Oshino Ougi signify?

Ougi is actually manifestation Araragi's self-doubt. She, or he, is one part of Araragi where she always tries to reveal hidden/missing parts of Araragi's history. In one episode she claims to ...
JustPlain's user avatar
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In the Monogatari series, who is Araragi's true love? Hanekawa, Shinobu, or Senjougahara?

Let's go case by case: Hanekawa: In Kizu, Araragi sees Hanekawa as a perfect being. Good grades, good ahem assets, being president etc. After talking with her he starts to love her. As for Hanekawa, ...
JustPlain's user avatar
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How did Araragi Koyomi lose his vampire powers in the Monogatari Series?

Araragi did not lose entirely his vampire powers when he sucked Heartunderblade's blood. Just like Shinobu, Araragi became a half existence. “Araragi-kun, you won’t be able to turn back into a ...
user6391's user avatar
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Kaiki Deishu and Tooe Gaen Relationship

To your 1st and 3rd question. Tooe Gaen and Kaiki were both in the same Occult Research Club in college. Later on, Kaiki was revealed to have feelings for Tooe Gaen, and has made a promise to keep her ...
jdinh0608's user avatar
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2 votes

In the Monogatari series, who is Araragi's true love? Hanekawa, Shinobu, or Senjougahara?

There is no real right answer. The fact that the relationships between the characters are not simple is what drives most of the underlying everything of the Monogatari series. There's no rule saying ...
ConMan's user avatar
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What do Karen and Tsukihi see Ononoki as?

As noted several times throughout the series, her body is, in fact, a doll. Though I seem to remember it being noted earlier, the first mention I can find is the very first line spoken in ...
今撫子's user avatar
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2 votes

What do Karen and Tsukihi see Ononoki as?

If I recall, they won her at the Arcade, so they see her as a simple won prize doll.
Waterflame's user avatar
2 votes

What does Senjougahara refer in the first novel?

As I haven't read the Japanese edition, and don't have a copy laying around to reference with. I can't say it with 100% certainty. But it seems to be a play of words. Mugem Mamiya (無限 間宮) Infinite ...
Dimitri mx's user avatar
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2 votes

How did Araragi become tolerant to the sun?

Watching the scene again, there are two peculiar things that might explain your question. First is that the whole segment is tinted heavily orange. This might indicate that it either is a dawn or a ...
Euphoric's user avatar
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2 votes

How did Araragi hide yoto "Kokoro-Watari" inside his body?

This post is old but since it hasn't been answered yet: In the novel, Araragi explains that he swallows the sword and stabs it down through one of his legs until it is burried past his throat and all ...
Fritfrut's user avatar
2 votes

Who is Oshino Ougi?

In short, yes she is the main antagonist of the series, as you as for most parts of the series Araragi solved the problems of the other girls, in Kizu it was for Shinobu, in Neko it was for Hanekawa, ...
Big Boss's user avatar
2 votes

What accent is Kanbaru referring to, and where did she live prior to her parents' deaths?

Could not recall any mention in the anime, either. A quick look at the light novels, however, seem to reveal some information, albeit also vague. To quote from Chapter 7 of Bakemonogatari: Monster ...
W. Are's user avatar
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