This symbol is seen on Subaru's cape. Does it represent a lineage or what? Why is Subaru wearing this?

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Update: It's not the same as the symbol on the royal selection insignia/badge: enter image description here

2 Answers 2


It's the same symbol as the one on Emilia's outfit. Was this when Subaru was wearing Emilia's cloak?


  • The screenshot I took is from when Subaru is getting knighted. Maybe it's a symbol that represents "house Emilia" in the royal selection? Commented May 10, 2021 at 18:13

As shown below, its the same symbol that hangs in the royal hall. I believe it was also the same symbol on the royal selection badge but I can't find any photos online of that so don't trust me on that.


  • 1
    the symbol shown on the wall of your screenshot is the one used for the royal selection insignia/badge (I just added a picture of it to my question) but it's not the same as the one on Subaru's cape Commented May 10, 2021 at 4:17
  • @JorgeLuque Ah you're right! I spent about a half hour or so looking further and I couldn't seem to find anything. It has an extremely similar design structure to some of the other nation's flags though but they have a different animal. My guess is that it is a nation's insignia. Try posting it on r/Re_Zero on Reddit. I am sure someone there will know. Best of luck! Commented May 10, 2021 at 11:43

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