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Questions tagged [sabagebu]

Sabagebu! is a Manga series written and illustrated by Hidekichi Matsumoto, released in December 2010. It has a 2014 anime adaptation.

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7 votes
2 answers

How come Mokarin's mom is so good with guns?

In multiple episodes of Sabagebu!, Mokarin's mom handles her gun exceptionally well and she's sort of badass too (Episode 7). But how come? Was she part of her own Survival Club? Or, has she had some ...
7 votes
0 answers

Who is the other asteroid head in the end credits?

In the end track of Sabagebu! there are some asteroids floating around in the shape of character's heads. The first one is Platy, the Platypus: The next one is our lead heroine Momoka: But who is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is Platy really a Platypus?

In Sabagebu! episode 4, Mokarin tries to find out where Platy comes from. Everyone thinks that Platy is a platypus but they aren't able to confirm it since it doesn't do anything a platypus does. So ...
7 votes
0 answers

What's the meaning behind the text in the intro of Sabagebu?

During the intro of Sabagebu! There are some random english sentences that scroll across the screen like: "You are a real follower of our survival gamers. Its fantastic to be atrocious. You must be ...