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From the New World (or, "Shinsekai Yori") is a novel by Yusuke Kishi. It was adapted into an anime by A-1 Pictures starting in 2012. It's a sci-fi drama about a futuristic world ruled by people who have telekinetic powers.

3 votes
1 answer

How did humans get telekinetic powers?

I finished watching the anime production of Shinsekai Yori (From the New World), but was a little unsure of how the telekinetic powers of humans were obtained in the first place. Were they obtained du …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What does the "Dark age" mean in Shin Sekai Yori?

I was wondering, in the anime on the 4th episode "Bloody History", they refer to some period of time called the "Dark Age". I was wondering (maybe the people that can read the original Japanese Novel …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How did the society where the story of Shin Sekai Yori takes place come to be?

How did the society where the story of Shin Sekai Yori takes place come to be? i.e. How did Saki's Society came to existence from the societies of the Dark age? I am curious about how Saki's society …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What exactly is a false minoshiro in Shinsekai Yori?

I was quite curious to know what exactly a false minoshiro is. For me, they seem to be some kind of bio-technology "machine" or cyborg or something of that sort, that has the capability of storing a …
Charlie Parker's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why do people in Shin Sekai Yori die if they kill other humans?

Why do people in Shin Sekai Yori die if they kill other humans? I remember that during the anime they go through some ritual, but why does that ritual work? What is that ritual exactly? Is it somethi …
Charlie Parker's user avatar