Light was bored as everything was easy for him until he found the death note. So why didn't he skip a grade or two and graduate early? That seems like it would be the most logical thing to do for Light if he was bored.

  • What? Light Yagami's 'intelligence' is not the same as the Sheldon Cooper kind of 'intelligence'. There are many 'intelligent' high school characters in anime/manga who get top grades and stuff but doesn't mean they get to just skip entrance exams/SATs and stuff...
    – BCLC
    Commented Apr 17, 2022 at 5:47

1 Answer 1


The answer is quite simple. It is not possible to skip grades in Japan.

There were very rare exceptions at some schools, but he attended University of Tokyo (I don't remember the name was same or altered), where it was not possible to enroll by skipping grades as of the time of Death Note (According to a source, it may become possible soon.)

  • You know (Gasai), this answer sounds like using complex analysis to prove the pythagorean theorem? Light is 'intelligent' yes, but not necessarily Sheldon Cooper/Terry Tao/Moshe Kai Cavalin kind of 'intelligence'.
    – BCLC
    Commented Apr 18, 2022 at 10:34
  • 1
    @BCLC Well, as far as I remember, Light was smart enough to be the top in a national pre-examination (there are exams run by private cram schools to test their probability of getting in this or that university). In real terms, if one can get the top score in a famous enough pre-exam (there are many such pre-exams), s/he has a good chance getting in U of Tokyo 1 or even 2 years earlier.
    – sundowner
    Commented Apr 18, 2022 at 11:03
  • 1
    @BCLC Simply by taking exams when he is in the 1st or the 2nd grade in high school. There are/were universities that allow 11 graders to apply. But again, University of Tokyo or any major university wasn't one of them. I'm not sure what you are asking... everything is just fiction and could have sounds vague. I understand the original question that Light should have skipped grades at some time in his life (which may be earlier than the beginning of the story).
    – sundowner
    Commented Apr 18, 2022 at 22:08
  • 1
    @BCLC Assuming skipping grades were possible (which is not the case), basically yes.
    – sundowner
    Commented Apr 19, 2022 at 9:22
  • 1
    @BCLC It doesn't seem to be mentioned. Anyway it is fiction (including admission to Stanford), so it is possible. In reality, afaik, pupils going to overseas universities take half a year gap.
    – sundowner
    Commented Apr 29, 2022 at 13:17

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