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Questions tagged [a-certain-scientific-accelerator]

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Does the third season of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun happens after or before Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator?

The third season of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun started and Accelerator, one of the main villains of Toaru Majutsu no Index and the main character of Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator appears in the first ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Where exactly does A Certain Scientific Accelerator fit in the timeline?

Where exactly does A Certain Scientific Accelerator take place in the timeline? I know it'd some time after Accelerator's gunshot wound by the necklace but that's about it.
Himitsu_no_Yami's user avatar
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What happens when an esper reachs level 6?

In the Toaru series several characters are trying to reach level 6, like Accelerator and Hirumi. But what happens when an esper reachs this level? Is this ever told in the series, mangas, spinoffs or ...
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Which are the five manga series that are based off the Toaru Majutsu no Index franchise?

According to Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator (とある科学の一方通行アクセラレータ Toaru Kagaku no Ippō Tsūkō?, lit., A Certain Scientific Accelerator) is the fifth manga series that is based ...
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Why the sisters dont have the same power than Railgun if they have exactly the same DNA?

Railgun is level #5 esper, but her "sisters" only are level #2, #3 or #4, regardless they have exactly the same DNA. Why is this so?
Pablo's user avatar
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Why was Railgun chosen for the Sisters project and not Kakine Teitoku?

Misaka Mikoto "Railgun" was chosen for the Sisters project who cloned her. But she's ranked #3 among the level 5 espers. Why wasnt rank #2 Kakine Teitoku chosen instead, or even rank #1 Accelerator, ...
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Why is there a curfew for students in Academy City?

In A Certain Scientific Railgun, it's mentioned several times that there is a curfew for students in Academy City. Why is this so? Is this ever explained?
Pablo's user avatar
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Can Capacity Down disrupt Accelerator's esper powers?

Capacity Down is a device that produces a sound that can disrupt an esper. It was used in the anime series against Kongou Mitsuko, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko etc. My question is, does this device ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Why are level 0 espers considered espers if they have no powers at all?

Supposedly level 0 espers have no powers at all. Are they any different to humans then? Are they supposed to have latent powers or something?
Pablo's user avatar
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Can Accelerator be killed by a nuclear weapon?

There is an episode where Accelerator mentions to Last Order if I recall correctly (it could be another character) that he/she shouldnt worry about someone who can't be killed even by a nuclear bomb. ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Why does Accelerator need a necklace to use his powers?

After being damaged in battle (by a bullet IIRC) , Accelerator had to start to use a necklace for being able to use his powers. What does this necklace does? Why does Accelerator need a necklace to ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Why Touma is considered only a level 0 esper when he's clearly so powerful and was able to defeat the most powerful level 5 esper?

Toma has the "imagine breaker" which is regarded by many as a very powerful hability, moreover he was able to defeat the most powerful esper and one of the most powerful magicians, one who was capable ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Why if accelerator is so above other level 5 espers he isnt count as level 6 already?

Accelerator was able to kil 10,000 clons of another level 5 esper, the 3rd most powerful esper. If he's so above other espers, why isnt he counted as a level 6 esper already? What does a esper need to ...
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