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Questions tagged [kill-la-kill]

Kill la Kill is an anime by studio Trigger. The protagonist, Matoi Ryuuko, enters Honnouji Academy to find out who killed her father and why.

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8 votes
2 answers

Why did Harime Nui's eye not heal?

Sometime before episode 12, we learn Harime Nui lost her left eye from Matoi Isshin slashing her with a half-scissor. Around episode 20, Harime Nui is pierced through the chest by Ryuuko, also by a ...
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9 votes
2 answers

How come a uniform can't be made of 40% to 90% life fibers?

I've noticed that on Kill la Kill that Goku Uniforms can only be made from 10%, 20%, and 30% life fibers. But later on, it is revealed that a Kamui is made of 100% life fibers. That seems like a major ...
Michael Brown's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Why is Senketsu the only Kamui that can talk?

There are three Kamui in the show: Senketsu, Junketsu and Shinra-Kōketsu (Omnisilk Kōketsu). Shinra-Kōketsu is on another level compared to other Kamui. However, Junketsu is the same as Senketsu, ...
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7 votes
2 answers

What did they use for their toast?

In episode 17 of Kill la Kill, Kiryūin Satsuki brings out a toast to their success with what looks like a cup of sake. But, considering it is a school and they are between the ages of 16 and 19, they ...
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